King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer
In Scots law, the Crown can choose to claim ownerless property. Where we claim and deal with property, its realised value is paid by the KLTR into the Scottish Consolidated Fund.
Latest news and publications from the KLTR teams.
Bona vacantia and our Ownerless Property Transfer Scheme (OPTS) Ownerless property
In Scots law, the Crown can claim ownerless property. The legal term for this is "bona vacantia". KLTR new Ownerless Property Transfer Scheme (OPTS) consultation launched.
About KLTR
The King's and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer (“KLTR”) is the Crown’s representative in Scotland who deals with ownerless property.
Treasure Trove Review
Treasure Trove Review public consultation has concluded. We thank all that provided responses. The report and recommendations of the Review will be published in due course.
Ultimus haeres Estates
Where a person domiciled in Scotland dies without leaving a Will and has no known or traceable successors, then their assets (such as land, buildings, shares and cash) fall to the Crown in Scotland.
Treasure Trove
Finds of Treasure Trove in Scotland are dealt with by the Treasure Trove Unit for the KLTR.
Go to treasure trove websiteCompany Administrative Restoration
See our guide. Please note that Companies House and not this office deals with the applications.
Company - Administrative Restoration