OPTS Advisory Panel

Information about the OPTS advisory panel

The purpose of the Ownerless Property Transfer Scheme (OPTS) Advisory Panel is to provide advice to the KLTR on OPTS applications referred to it by the OPTS Casework Team. 

The Panel members are nominated individuals from each key stakeholder sector (public bodies, local authorities and communities), and the Panel's terms of reference can be viewed below. 

The current membership is as follows:

Chair: Lucile Black


Public bodies/Communities

Gemma Campbell, Scottish Land Commission

Katie Alexander, Crown Estate Scotland

Mags McSporran, Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Local Government

Mike Callaghan, Confederation of Scottish Local Authorities

Shona Simpson, Glasgow City Council


The Panel reports to the KLTR board, and is supported by a Secretary and other staff as necessary from the KLTR's office. 

The Panel will meet quarterly on the following dates: 

20th August 2024 

12th November 2024

11 February 2025